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a school without walls, for a future without limits

No longer limited by geography, anyone can access a globally recognised quality education , with a focus on the 21st century skills.

get started

cbc syllabus for the new generation

We value education, thus encourage creativity and problem solving so that our children are able to take advantage of opportunities available to them.

get started

we offer life skills and tertiary learning too

Life is a round up of many distinct qualities. Here at Twinkle start we shape a child based on values and breed an informative being in general.

get started

our subjects

Art & Craft

12 modules

Mathematics Activities

12 modules

English Language Activities

12 modules

Kiswahili Language Activities

12 modules

Hygiene & Nutrition Activities

12 modules

Christian Religious Education

12 modules

our popular courses

Computer & Technology

Computer & Technology

We empower our students with skill levels ranging from elementary use to computer literacy and advanced problem solving skills

The Library


The acquisition of a range of and familiarity with sources and information seeking process, usually trough formal bibliographic instruction and informal user education

Extra Tuition

Extra Tuition

We value our students, and as a result offer special attention to our weak students. For we believe that no student should be left behind.

web development

web development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum, ratione?

Promoting Creativity

Promoting Creativity

Our holistic approach in incorporating activities that can strengthen reading skills but more focused on broader learning.

web development

web development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum, ratione?