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opening hours :

0600Hrs to 1700Hrs

phone :

+254 799217821

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address :

Kaloleni, Giriama 243 - 80105

Kaloleni - Giriama (300m North East from A.C.K St. Johns Church)

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frequently asked questions

How unique are you?

We believe that knowledge like a tree, grows. We carry this ideology and practice it by teaching our students the need for self care and self confidence.

what does Twinkle Stars Academy Offer?

The institution is currently offering CBC (Competence Based Curriculum) system side by side with the 8-4-4 system. The school follows a broad curriculum whose core is the Kenya Primary Syllabus system of education. This is supplemented by other extra-curricular activities to make learning an exciting and stimulating process and to suit children from different cultures and backgrounds.

Why should I bring my child to your school?

We provide students with education of the highest standard in order to prepare them for lives characterized for leadership and service.

what does my child need to join your institution?

Gaining admission to the Academy is based on merit and we consider all elligible students regardless of social-economic ,religious and cultural status. We are committed to excellence in all aspects of our student's development.

who are your tutors?

Experienced ,trained and goal-oriented teachers lead our academic programme with the aim to ensure understanding and practicality of the syllabus . With our school motto "Discipline is doing the right thing ,at the right time and the right place" we strive to instill discipline and sense of civic responsibility in our learners.

where is the school based and what do you stand for?

The Twinkle Star Academy is a private institution based in Kaloleni Sub County - Kilifi. Our goals are promoting discipline and sense of responsibility. Promoting academic excellence, enhancing analytical and study skills , building and promoting leadership skills, fostering an ethical outlook and encouraging creativity amongst our learners.